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November 9, 2022Motivation to Clean: 7 Excellent Tips You Can Use Right Now

House cleaning and decluttering
Are you a clutter bug? Would you like your house cleaner and more organized? Most of us would, but actually finding the motivation to make our house cleaner can be a huge challenge. Your house didn’t get full of clutter in a day, and getting rid of all that clutter will take some time. So, where do you find the motivation to do it?
Even if you make your house cleaner often, clutter can make a clean home look messy. When people have clutter issues, they tend to reorganize their clutter rather than actually getting rid of anything. Moving clutter from one room to another doesn’t solve the problem of making your house cleaner. You need to have an active plan to declutter your home. But, the motivation to declutter can be hard to find when you have a lot of clutter to deal with.
We’ve put together some practical tips for finding your motivation to declutter.
7 Tips for Finding the Motivation to Declutter
Tip 1: Visualize a house cleaner of a Clutter
If you are looking for motivation to do anything it starts with a vision. If you can see it, you can do it. This might sound basic and even lame, but if you’ve ever read any books on success this is exactly what successful people do. They have a vision. Make your vision of a house clean, and clutter-free.
Find your why. Why do you want to declutter your home? How does clutter make you feel about yourself? How will you feel when your home is clutter-free and organized? Will you have guests over more often if your make your house cleaner? Will you feel better when you go to sleep at night knowing you made your house cleaner? Will you be able to find your keys, the bill you put somewhere but who knows where, or finally have space for all the shoes in your closet?
Your why is your strongest motivation. Take some time to make a mental picture of your home cleaner and completely free from clutter. Think about how nice it will feel. You can even find photos of clean and organized homes you like to inspire you.
Tip 2: Change Your Mindset
Your mindset is what you believe you can do. Do you believe you can have a house cleaner and clutter-free? Or, do you think, let’s be real. I’m just not one of those clean freaks. Here’s the truth, no matter how messy your home is or how much clutter you have to tackle, you have the ability to get your home organized and clean.
You know that voice in your head that reminds you of all the times you’ve tried and failed. The way to quiet that voice is to first believe you can change. Sometimes this is as simple as writing down a mantra – I am clean and organized or I have a beautiful home I love.
Tip 3: Start Small
There was a viral tweet a few years back about “the impossible task.” It’s a term for when a task that should be really simple feels impossible. Sometimes it can be as small as not having the motivation to wash the 4 dishes in the sink or put away a few items of clothes. These things only take a few minutes, but sometimes anxiety or lack of motivation can keep you glued to the couch instead of just doing that one tiny thing.
If you have a lot of decluttering to do, you probably relate to the concept of the impossible task. One impossible task after another is how your clutter began to overwhelm you in the first place. To tackle your clutter, you may need to start small.
Tip 4: Use a Timer
Start with one small impossible task right now. Find a project that will take around 15-20 minutes from start to finish. Perhaps you have a pile of papers and bills sitting on your counter. Take fifteen minutes to go through them and throw away any junk mail or paperwork you don’t need.
To help you complete your small “impossible task” use a timer. Set the timer for 15 or 20 minutes and set it to work. If you don’t complete the project in 20 minutes that’s okay. Take a break and come back to it. Using a timer can help you focus and stay on track with your goal.
Tip 5: Create a Sanctuary from the Clutter
You may not realize this but clutter greatly contributes to anxiety. One of the biggest benefits of having a clean home is that it improves anxiety and stress. If you need to make your house cleaner it can feel incredibly overwhelming.
Don’t try to tackle everything at once. Create one space in your home that is completely clutter-free. Pick one room that you want to make your clutter-free zone. Your bedroom is a good place to start. Even if your entire house is a mess, getting that one room all the way clean will provide you with a sanctuary away from the clutter.
Tip 6: Get some help!
If you are overwhelmed by how much decluttering you need to do, get some help. When someone has a lot of clutter in their home, their house may never get fully clean. There’s always something on the table or baskets of crafts in the way. It makes it hard to get your house clean.
This is where a house cleaning service can really help. They can’t do all the decluttering for you, but they can help you clean. Even if you put all your clutter in a basket, they can get your house clean for you. This way you don’t have to worry about all the cleaning chores and can focus your energy on the task of decluttering.
Get your family to help with decluttering. After all, they are part of what created the clutter. For example, ask your kids to help you go through one drawer in the house and put any clothes they never wear in a bag and maybe freshen up the place.
Tip 7: Pair Your Decluttering Project with a Reward
Experts say that if you want to stay motivated to break your goals into small tasks. And, reward yourself for each step along the way. If you’re trying to declutter your home, give yourself a reward after each small decluttering project.
Celebrate your small wins with little rewards. You don’t need to spend any money to treat yourself. A reward can be as simple as making yourself a cup of coffee, or having a movie night.
Take Your Home from Clutter-Filled to Clean
When you go into decluttering with the right mindset, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish. If you need some extra motivation to declutter, reward yourself with maid service. This can help you to stay motivated and on track with your home organization goals
Once you have decluttered your living space, it’s time to give it a whole-house cleaning. Find home cleaning services near you to help you make your home as beautiful and clean as you envision. Using professional house cleaning services like Ultim8 Cleaning Services can make sure that your home stays clean and tidy after you’re done decluttering.
Our Team
All of our Ultim8 maids or residential cleaners in Tampa have been individually screened and carefully selected, insured and bonded so that each customer can enjoy our residential maid services knowing that great care will be taken to protect your belongings from loss or damage. When you choose our home cleaning services, you are choosing a trusted professional house cleaning service who provide personal service at an exceptional price. Our screened staff is both reliable and trustworthy, you can rest assured that you are hiring a qualified team that will give you the level of service that you deserve.

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