5 Professional house cleaning tips to keep that bathroom sparkly clean
July 31, 2020
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September 3, 2020The fastest way home cleaning services clean a dirty house?

The fastest way home cleaning services clean a dirty house?
What is the fastest way home cleaning services clean a dirty house?
It seems that there are never enough hours in the day. In these modern times, we’re all busy trying to manage work, families, and many other requirements. The last thing that most of us want to do in our spare time is to clean a dirty house. Unfortunately, not cleaning can have serious consequences and hiring home cleaning services may not be an option.
Cluttered and dirty homes can contribute to anxiety, stress, and poor concentration. Having a dirty house can also be quite overwhelming, especially as you try to figure out where to start. And in the era of COVID-19, a dirty home can mean bacteria and a higher risk of acquiring the illness. A clean home promotes good health and bolsters productivity.
What do you do if you only have a limited time for your home cleaning services and it’s too late to contact your home cleaning services near me? Whether you have guests arriving or know that it is just time to get the house in order, we have some suggestions on cleaning a dirty house fast.
Tools needed to perform you home cleaning services fast
Start by gathering the following items. A supply caddy can also be helpful so that you can easily transport items from room to room.
- • Microfiber cloths (one for the bedrooms and one per bathroom)
- • Multi-surface dust spray
- • Bathroom cleaner
- • Toilet bowl cleaner
- • Glass cleaner
- • Toilet brush
- • Paper towels
- • Liquid dish soap
- • Hardwood floor cleaner (if applicable) or appropriate cleaner for hard-surfaced floors
- • Sponge
- • Vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment
- • Mop and bucket
Clean your dirty house in one hour or Less
The actual time needed to clean your house will vary depending on the number of bathrooms and bedrooms that your home has. Further, an oversized house with an abundance of square footage can take a bit longer. Regardless of the size of your home, leveraging the following strategy will help you tackle rooms quickly.
Fast bedroom cleaning
To clean bedrooms fast, follow these steps:
- • Strip linens off all beds and start a load in the washing machine. Though using the sanitary cycle is recommended, a quick wash can be conducted when you are short of time.
- • Remake beds with fresh linens. If you only have one set of linens per bed, make sure to cycle through the laundry loads as they are completed.
- • Gather all clutter and put them in a basket. Tuck the basket into a closet, and be sure to revisit it later to see what can be recycled, tossed, or put away.
- • Use the multi-surface dust spray and microfiber cloth to wipe down surfaces. Always work from top to bottom to ensure that dust moves down rather than up.
Fast Bathroom Cleaning
To clean bathrooms fast, follow these steps:
- • Clean all bathrooms in a row, using a fresh microfiber cloth for each one.
- • Clear the counters and spray counters and all bathtubs (or shower walls) with cleaner.
- • Let the spray sit while you clean any mirrors using the glass cleaner.
- • Wipe down counters and tubs.
- • Spray toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet and then use the brush to clean up any residue.
- • Skip mopping the floor for now as you’ll come back to this later.
Your bathrooms tend to breed germs and bacteria, so be sure to check our bathroom cleaning hacks if you need a more thorough cleaning periodically.
Fast Living Room and Dining Room Cleaning
To clean your living room and dining room fast, follow these steps:
- • Similar to the approach in the bedrooms, grab a basket, and collect any clutter. Place the basket in a closet and make a mental note to revisit the basket later. Be sure to recycle or dispose of applicable items, and put away the rest. After all, there is no need to create a new mess after working so hard to clean your house.
- • Start in one corner of the room (work your way out to in) and dust surfaces from top to bottom, using the microfiber cloth that you used for the bedroom cleanings.
- • Be sure to dust window blinds and ceiling fan blades before anything else.
- • Using the upholstery attachment on your vacuum, clean your upholstered furniture.
- • Skip vacuuming the floor for now as you’ll come back to this later.
Fast Kitchen Cleaning
To clean your kitchen fast, follow the steps below. But if you haven’t done so already, check to see if your laundry is ready to be moved to the dryer (especially if you are using the quick cycle). And, deposit the microfiber cloths that you used in the bathroom in the laundry room so that you can wash them later.
- • Open the dishwasher and load it with any dirty dishes. Fill the sink with hot soapy water. Don’t forget to add any removable burner pieces from your stop top and place in dishwasher (if dishwasher safe) or in hot water.
- • Clear counters of any remaining items (put away anything that has an alternate home).
- • Dunk your sponge in hot water, ring it out, and then wipe down cabinets and countertops. Again, be sure to work from top to bottom, so that dirty water doesn’t drip onto something you have already cleaned. Periodically rinse out your sponge.
- • Wipe down all appliances.
- • If you put the removable burner pieces in hot water, remove them now, finish cleaning them, and replace them on the stove.
- • Add soap to the dishwasher and get it started.
- • Skip mopping the floor for now as you’ll come back to this later. But, before you leave the kitchen, fill your mop bucket with hot water and floor cleaner. You’ll need this in the next step.
Fast Floor Cleaning
Now it’s time to go back to all of those floors that you skipped earlier. Most home cleaning services will leave these until last.
- • Start by vacuuming the carpeted rooms, working your way backward out of the room so that you don’t leave footprints on the freshly cleaned floors. Be sure to move quickly without too much overlap, but not so quickly that your vacuum will be unable to pick up the debris.
- • If your vacuum has a soft bristle option, vacuum over any hard floor surfaces to capture dust and pet hair.
- • Get out that mop and using a similar strategy to vacuuming, mop hard floors, working your way backward out of the room. Don’t forget to get around the toilet, especially behind it.
Remake the Beds and Wash Your Microfiber Cloths
Hopefully, by now, you have a load of clean sheets and can remake the beds. You can also get your microfiber cloths in the wash so that they are ready to use the next time you need to do a fast house cleaning. Your microfiber cloths can be washed in either cold or warm water, but hot water should not be used. Make sure too that you use a gentle detergent that is free from scent or additives. You will only need a couple of teaspoons of detergent.
Now, it’s time to put all your tools away and relax. Your house is now sparkly and clean, so take a moment to congratulate yourself on a job well done and remember to leave it to the professional residential cleaners next time!.
Our Team
All of our Ultim8 maids or residential cleaners in Tampa have been individually screened and carefully selected, insured and bonded so that each customer can enjoy our residential maid services knowing that great care will be taken to protect your belongings from loss or damage. When you choose our home cleaning services, you are choosing a trusted professional house cleaning service who provide personal service at an exceptional price. Our screened staff is both reliable and trustworthy, you can rest assured that you are hiring a qualified team that will give you the level of service that you deserve.

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